Industrial gloves. Regulatory changes in 2017

In a short period of time the personal protection sector has seen a series of changes that mark a turning point in the legislation regulating hand and arm protection.

Disposable gloves, industrial gloves, semi-industrial gloves and household gloves are all covered by these new regulatory changes.

Gloves are particularly affected by these two new European Union regulations.

As of 21 April 2018, Directive 89/686/EEC of the Council will be repealed by the new Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016, on personal protective equipment.

Moreover, on 1st June 2017, ISO 374-1:2016 Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms will take effect, replacing standard EN 374-1:2004.

This new ISO incorporates a series of important changes, the most relevant of which are the following:

The most significant change regarding ISO 374-1:2016 is the separation between protection against chemicals and protection against microorganisms. The latter will be covered by EN 374-5: 2016. At the same time, changes have been introduced to establish a classification. As a consequence of these modifications, the pictograms are also being changed.

New classification of gloves

New table of chemicals, now including 18 (formerly 12)

These changes will be expressed as follows:

So one of the most significant changes is that the EN374-1 low-protection pictogram has been eliminated.

The ISO 374-5 standard includes the possibility of incorporating protection against viruses, which has been added.

Changes go way beyond this brief explanation. For a proper understanding of these changes you can contact the association of personal protection equipment companies ASEPAL or keep up-to-date via INSHT (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene).

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional information.